Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Updated - Available Classes and Times

Sports Ju-Jitsu & Traditional Ju-Jitsu

Training Classes available
Mondays - Wednesday - Fridays

Children 5 to 7 years - 5:30pm to 6:30pm
Children 8 to 14 years - 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Adults Mixed Classes - 7:30pm to 9pm


Street Wise Real Self Defence
Due to popular public demand
Every Tuesday and Thursday Evening

Mixed Classes
No nonsense training in self defence - MMA
Light Contact - Semi Contact - Full Contact

From 7:30pm to 9pm Tuesdays & Thursdays

Everyone is welcome

Ladies Only 
Fighting Fit Self Defence Classes

Every Tuesday & Thursday Morning
10am to 12pm

At  No 4 North Jumpers Bastion, Rosia Road, Gibraltar

All the above services will be conducted by a professional, qualified International Martial Arts Instructor. For further information regarding training, please contact :
Master Anthony Joaquin 6th Dan JuJitsu 1st Dan Judo on Mobile - 54011007

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Jujitsu Academy 'Busy'

The Gibraltar Ju-Jitsu academy of North Jumpers Bastion has been extra busy over the last month with two events of major significance – an attendance at the Madrid IBU weekend international seminar and last weeks combined Gibraltar-Tangier Seminar across the strait.
The Madrid seminar, organised by Hanshi Dabauza 8th Dan Ju-Jitsu, was attended by representatives from Argentina, Venezuela, Mexico, Belgium, Austria, Poland, Germany, Portugal and Spain as well as Gibraltar of whom he is a great friend.
Master Anthony Joaquin 6th Dan Ju-Jitsu, IBU representative for Gibraltar also conducted ju-jitsu classes for students and masters alike.

On his return, Sensei Joaquin welcomed to the rock Professor James Pape 9th Dan, Senior Representative for the bushido Ju-Jitsu Academy International and Hanshi Paul Geoghegan 8th Dan Ju-Jitsu to conduct Ju-Jitsu courses at the academy in Jumpers Bastion, before crossing the strait for a weekend at their Joint – Academy in Tangier.

A full programme had been arranged which was attended by over 100 Ju-Jitsu Senior and Junior enthusiasts from various regions of Morocco. Hanshi Geoghegan conducted an instructors’ private training session to all seven-academy representatives from Morocco.
Sunday 27th was the ‘Big- Day’ for all members of the Ju-Jitsu Academy International Tangier with the seminar conducted on three training areas from novices up to the higher grades.
The 4 hour seminar was conducted with a photo session;
Once more a very successful combined Ju-Jitsu stage for 2011.
Thanks to :

Professor James Pape 9th Dan BJJAIGB
Hanshi Paul Geoghegan 8th Dan Ju-Jitsu BJJAIGB
Sensei Dylan Bocarisa 3rd Dan Ju-Jitsu GJJAI
Mr Mojib Benhakim Blue Belt, official GJJAI interpreter, for a job well done.
Master Anthony Joaquin 6th Dan Ju-Jitsu.

Monday, 4 April 2011

Recent Events

Hanshi Pedro Dabauza, Grand Master, 8th. Dan Ju Jitsu and 7th. Dan Judo, paid a visit to the Ju Jitsu Academy at Jumper's Bastion last weekend and conducted two four-hour courses of Traditional Martial Arts and self- defence to a keen group of local students.
The local Master Anthony Joaquin, 6th. Dan Ju Jitsu, and Director of the Security Dept. of the IBU and Front Line MVA, will shortly be visiting an international seminar in Madrid as an invited Master before welcoming Professor James Pape (9th.Dan) and Master Paul Geogeghan (8th.Dan) back to the Rock where they will jointly hold Martial Arts seminars here and across the Strait at Tangier for the ever-increasing numbers of colleagues, in seven Clubs.


Last Tuesday evening a ladies self defence course for ‘Fighting Fit Ladies’ special training class was conducted at the Jumper’s Academy by Hanshi Paul Geoghegan.
For further information regarding training and Ladies Fighting Fit contact Anthony on Mobile – 54011007.