The Gibraltar Ju-Jitsu academy of North Jumpers Bastion has been extra busy over the last month with two events of major significance – an attendance at the Madrid IBU weekend international seminar and last weeks combined Gibraltar-Tangier Seminar across the strait.
The Madrid seminar, organised by Hanshi Dabauza 8th Dan Ju-Jitsu, was attended by representatives from Argentina, Venezuela, Mexico, Belgium, Austria, Poland, Germany, Portugal and Spain as well as Gibraltar of whom he is a great friend.
Master Anthony Joaquin 6th Dan Ju-Jitsu, IBU representative for Gibraltar also conducted ju-jitsu classes for students and masters alike.
On his return, Sensei Joaquin welcomed to the rock Professor James Pape 9th Dan, Senior Representative for the bushido Ju-Jitsu Academy International and Hanshi Paul Geoghegan 8th Dan Ju-Jitsu to conduct Ju-Jitsu courses at the academy in Jumpers Bastion, before crossing the strait for a weekend at their Joint – Academy in Tangier.
A full programme had been arranged which was attended by over 100 Ju-Jitsu Senior and Junior enthusiasts from various regions of Morocco. Hanshi Geoghegan conducted an instructors’ private training session to all seven-academy representatives from Morocco.
Sunday 27th was the ‘Big- Day’ for all members of the Ju-Jitsu Academy International Tangier with the seminar conducted on three training areas from novices up to the higher grades.
The 4 hour seminar was conducted with a photo session;
Once more a very successful combined Ju-Jitsu stage for 2011.
Thanks to :
Professor James Pape 9th Dan BJJAIGB
Hanshi Paul Geoghegan 8th Dan Ju-Jitsu BJJAIGB
Sensei Dylan Bocarisa 3rd Dan Ju-Jitsu GJJAI
Mr Mojib Benhakim Blue Belt, official GJJAI interpreter, for a job well done.
Master Anthony Joaquin 6th Dan Ju-Jitsu.
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